Wildflower Meadow, Fall 2024


Monarch Butterflies There were afternoons in late September and early October when five or six Monarch butterflies would be in my small front yard plus about the same number of them in the back yard, also a small lot. The Monarchs appeared only for a week or two. They were migrating south ahead of the… Continue reading Wildflower Meadow, Fall 2024

Pollinator Meadow 2023


There was an eight-week drought in April and May that caused the local rabbits to eat a lot of plant varieties they normally ignore, but the rains came in June, and the year recovered somewhat. By August, there were numerous Tiger Swallowtail and Gulf Fritillary butterflies, although not as many as 2022. I have many… Continue reading Pollinator Meadow 2023

Biodiversity and Ecological Value


At least half of my time tending the pollinator meadow is spent removing invasive evergreen seedlings: monkey grass (liriope), Japanese privet, wintercreeper, English ivy. These plants might not feed most insects and other animals, but birds love the seeds and poop them all over creation. The problem is that these plants displace native species that… Continue reading Biodiversity and Ecological Value