Wildflower Meadow, Fall 2024


Monarch Butterflies There were afternoons in late September and early October when five or six Monarch butterflies would be in my small front yard plus about the same number of them in the back yard, also a small lot. The Monarchs appeared only for a week or two. They were migrating south ahead of the… Continue reading Wildflower Meadow, Fall 2024

Wildflower Meadow, Summer 2024


This year was productive in terms of seeds and pollinator insects in spite of five weeks without rain in May/June followed by over three weeks of rain in July. I suppose species diversity increased as in previous years, but what I notice most in an increase in population sizes.

Urban Ecological Oasis Videos, 2024


Each year, the number of native species that use my tiny urban pollinator meadow increases, with many beneficial insect species reproducing there or spending their entire life cycle there. All of these were filmed in my tiny yard (Yalobusha Farms) in August, 2024.

Southern Toad (Anaxyrus terrestris) Breeders


In the spring of 2023, I purchased 200 Southern Toad (Bufo terrestris) tadpoles from a breeder for the purpose of restoring the local wild toad population. I raised the tadpoles in the patio breeding tanks used by my neighborhood’s tree frogs. I transferred the tiny toadlets to one of four plastic barrel bottoms that had… Continue reading Southern Toad (Anaxyrus terrestris) Breeders

Pollinator Meadow 2023


There was an eight-week drought in April and May that caused the local rabbits to eat a lot of plant varieties they normally ignore, but the rains came in June, and the year recovered somewhat. By August, there were numerous Tiger Swallowtail and Gulf Fritillary butterflies, although not as many as 2022. I have many… Continue reading Pollinator Meadow 2023


baby-tree-frog-grass-on blade of sedge

This tiny frog is too small to eat a mosquito. Gnats and aphids and ants and baby spiders are probably what she can get into her mouth at this point. She has to watch out for everything that might want to eat her, everything from dragonflies to spiders to birds to frogs.

Tree Frog Tadpoles 2023


In 2023, I managed to keep the juvenile green frogs (L. clamitans) out of the breeding tanks, and so the tree frogs (H. chrysoscelis) were able to reproduce without interference. There was an eight-week drought in April and May, and so I suspected the year might be a disaster for wildlife, but when the rains… Continue reading Tree Frog Tadpoles 2023