Cope’s Gray Tree Frog (Hyla chrysoscelis) apparently lays larger clutches than I have seen in the past.
Previously, all the clutches I observed were smaller and broken up into different clumps separated by floating vegetation.
I speculated that was because the mating parents were avoiding the larger Green Frogs.
I’m not sure why the eggs in tank #4 are so numerous and all clumped in one area the same way the clutches of Green Frog eggs have been.
I certainly hope this isn’t because this is the first clutch laid where the parents weren’t pursued.

Note that these eggs were laid within the past 12 hours and the yolk is still spherical. Within 24 hours the yolks will become flattened embryos.

Compared to Green Frog Eggs
Note that the yolk of the tree frog eggs are a pale brown and smaller compared to the eggs of Green Frogs, which are black: